Spaces & Exchanges

Date de dernière mise à jour : 2020

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste de problématiques pour vous aider à présenter la notion de Spaces & Exchanges au baccalauréat d'anglais. 


  • Why do people leave their country and go to live in another country?
  • Is the American Dream still alive?
  • Is there a war on immigration in the modern USA?
  • What difficulties do immigrants face when they arrive in a new country?
  • Are borders a good thing?
  • What are the effects of immigration on the economy?
  • What are the impacts of illegal immigration?
  • Is having a double identity a blessing or a curse?


  • Are there still places left to be discovered?
  • Who are the modern days explorers?
  • What is the next Frontier?
  • Is space the next frontier for mankind to explore?


  • What spaces do we inhabit on the Earth?
  • How is a city built?
  • How can urbanism deepen tensions between communities?
  • How can urbanism ease tensions between communities?
  • How can we improve the quality of life in cities?
  • Should cars be forbidden in cities?


  • Is globalization standardizing the world's culture?
  • Is globalization only an economic phenomenon?

Holidays & travel

  • Holidays do you good, myth or reality?
  • Are holidays a consumer product?
  • What is the impact of the travel industry?
  • Should some places be forbidden to tourists?
  • Is taking a gap year a waste of time?
  • Why do people travel?
  • Would you rather travel alone, with friends, or join a package tour?

Retrouvez d'autres problématiques sur la page "Langues" et des sujets corrigés en cliquant ici


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